The What, How, When and Why of Landing Pages

Get access to all of our articles on landing page optimization and learn everything there is to know about landing pages and why they are so crucial for your business.

You’ll probably come across a completely new lexicon and set of concepts as you delve into the world of digital marketing, SEO, and paid search advertising. You’re going to wonder how landing pages fit into your digital marketing plan if you haven’t already.

You frequently visit landing pages while you navigate and surf the internet. The page you are directed to when you click on an advertisement might be referred to as a landing page. It can also be the page that appears after a call-to-action (CTA) button or act as a website’s main page. The goal of a landing page is to persuade you to become a lead or customer, regardless of how you “land” there. Because of this, landing pages are particularly effective parts of a company’s digital marketing strategy.

Creating a landing page may seem easy, and it can be, but we want to emphasise how crucial they are for lead conversion. Using landing pages to convert new leads would be your best bet if you could only do one thing to significantly increase your marketing ROI right now.

One in ten visitors who reach a landing page convert into potential clients or leads. If you’re unfamiliar with the world of online traffic conversion, that figure might not sound spectacular, but if 10,000 people view your landing page, there’s a chance that 1,000 of them will convert into leads. For the majority of small- to medium-sized enterprises, that’s a lot of leads.

Let’s examine what a landing page is specifically and how having one (or more) can assist you in seeing outcomes like these.

What is a Landing Page?

Any web page that a customer can land on is a landing page, but in the context of marketing, it’s typically a page with a narrow focus and is separate from your homepage or any other page that invites exploration. A landing page is a response to any assurances you may have provided in your content. In essence, it’s the next phase before a visitor converts to a client. Your landing page enables you to exchange contact information for a trade, unique offer, piece of information, or transaction.

A landing page can be lead generation-based or a click-through page that direct users to other pages, like your e-commerce site. In exchange for the submission of contact information, lead generating landing sites frequently offer things like an eBook, free trial, contest entry, or webinar registration. A successful landing page will accomplish its goal by persuading a potential consumer that it is worthwhile to trade their personal information for whatever it is you are offering. A potential buyer is more likely to find a landing page if they can access it through a general search or your corporate website.

There’s no reason to limit yourself to having one landing page, let alone one landing page at a time. In fact, we advise you to keep a number of landing pages that are tailored to different customer segments.

How Effective are Landing Pages?

To understand the effectiveness of landing pages, let us delve into some statistics from a survey –

  • Even though just 10.5% of conversions occurred, landing pages with more than five call-to-action links comprised 68.2% of them.
  • Conversely, landing pages with just one call to action had a conversion rate of 13.5%.
  • Conversion rates for landing pages with positive customer reviews, images, and social media posts are 12.5% compared to 11.4% for sites without social proof, providing more evidence of the importance of social proof on landing pages.
  • The conversion rate for desktop-only landing pages was 10.7%, whereas the rate for mobile responsive landing pages was 11.7%.
  • The average conversion rate of a landing page is 26%.

When Do You Need a Landing Page?

In some cases, a landing page is the best option for generating leads or driving sales. It could be when you employ PPC advertising, a lead magnet, to focus attention, draw in various consumer kinds, or to make testing simpler.

PPC advertising

Because Google evaluates the quality of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in part based on the relevance of the linked page, landing pages specifically dedicated to a given advertisement show up better in search results. A new product can be highlighted on a specific landing page using PPC advertising whose exclusivity drives sales. Customers looking for a certain price may be drawn by it.

Additionally, even though your brand’s website is where existing consumers would find an event promotion, creating a specific landing page may bring visitors who are solely interested in that event.

Lead magnet

Any type of useful content that is gated by a form and accessible only after submitting the form is referred to as a lead magnet. They become a lead even if they merely give their name and email. Create a landing page just for the lead magnet with an emphasis on the content, the form, and the keywords. An expert panel webinar, an Ebook, a free sample, or a limited-service offering are examples of content offers (lead magnets).

To attract different types of customers and their attention

Different consumer types can be targeted with customised landing pages. Its influence on the intended client group will be determined by its content, page style, advertising, and offer. The goal of landing pages can be to attract customers from a certain area, demographic, or those who are considering price and quality.

The content of a landing page grabs visitors’ attention. Either they respond to the call to action or they go back to the search results.

For easier testing

A landing page is a single page with a single objective, making testing simpler. The page can be tested frequently to make it engaging and user-friendly with the correct tools. The following elements need to be tested: copy, voice, media, or keywords. In general, higher conversion rates result from personalising content with information about leads.

Why Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

Because they are concentrated on a single objective or call to action by giving details about a particular offer or item, landing pages convert more traffic. Its simple design and limited navigation prevent visitors from becoming side-tracked by numerous links that go off the page and away from their intended aim. A dedicated landing page serves as a destination for traffic, and it increases the likelihood that visitors will convert to buyers when an effective advertisement highlights a specific offer.


You did a fantastic job developing your brand and making a website to reflect it. Make sure that all of your hard effort results in sales right now. Landing pages are unquestionably the way to go if you’re searching for a lead conversion solution.

A landing page is a fantastic tool for increasing visitors, enhancing SEO, and establishing your brand. It may also be incorporated into a successful PPC plan. Landing pages are used by 68% of B2B companies to generate leads for potential conversion. Customers are directed to landing pages that promote a particular commodity, service, or deal and nudge them to act. This is your chance to increase conversions and expand your clientele.

How can Sunnyday help you?

If landing pages are so important, why isn’t every business using them? Well, there is a misconception that they are hard to create and maintain. Fortunately, that simply isn’t true. Building an effective landing page is less about flashiness and more about getting the consumer what they’re after.

At Sunnyday, we will help you research and put together a comprehensive landing page systems that will help you garner more clicks and increased ROI.

So, feel free to contact us at or call us at (+91) 79777 31552.

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