10 + 1 Tips to Improve your Landing Page


In our previous article we talked about the main components or building blocks of a landing page. Ensuring that your landing page is appropriate is one of the key elements of managing a PPC advertising campaign. It’s important to make a solid first impression and provide a fantastic experience because landing pages are frequently the first point of contact a potential customer has with your company. And for this you need to know how to improve your landing page.

There are various ways to improve your landing page experience and PPC advertisements by making them more relevant to one another, from message matching and ease of navigation to uniqueness and reliability.

So, without further ado, let’s see the 10 best practices to adopt if you want to improve your landing page.

10 (+1 surprise) best practices to improve your landing page

1. Put Speed First

Google claims that 53% of mobile users leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load. And the speed of your page is also not entirely up to you. Depending on the device, connection speed, weather, astrological sign, and other factors, different users will get different loading times!

What you can do is ensure that your landing page loads in under three seconds from your end. This is one of the most important landing page best practices that can be employed at the onset itself.

Sunnyday Consulting Pro Tip

Use the following to help you with speed –

2. Optimize your landing pages for mobile

When you are designing your landing page you are doing so on a computer with a fast connection and a 32” display monitor. But how are your users accessing the landing page? Are they doing so only through a laptop or are they mostly accessing your landing page through a mobile device?

This is required information as in case your landing page is not optimized for mobile viewing your customers or targeted audience can be missing out on pertinent information.

When you start from the incorrect base, your stunning hero image, clear value propositions, and brilliant trust signals might not be seen. Based on how the majority of your users would experience them, design and test your landing pages.

3. Conversion is important but customers more so

The main aim of landing pages is to optimize the conversion rates. But you need to be discerning about it. When you optimize a landing page to only enquire about the name, email address, and phone number you will inevitably double your conversion rates and beat your cost per acquisition or action (CPA) goals. But there is a high chance that the majority of these conversions are junks as you converted them without pre-qualifying.

This makes front end conversion rates a danger to your success. So to ensure success do not test your landing page in a vacuum. Instead aim for acquiring a net positive for the business by looking at downstream metrics.

In simpler words, do not only optimize for conversion rates.

4. Minimalism is in

Look at your landing page. Does it appear over cramped with details? Or does it have the sleek minimal lines of a Nordic design?By decluttering we do not mean that it should only have the CTA button nor do we mean a bare form floating around on digital space.

Declutter your landing page!

By decluttering we mean that your landing page should allow your targeted audience to move smoothly from search to ad to landing page to business.

Landing pages are not the place for exit intent or email capture pop-ups and your marketing pixels should be limited to what is necessary –

  • They should increase your speed
  • Prevent breaches of privacy.
  • Ensure that there are no broken images or unauthorised takeovers.

5. Purposeful Personalization

Landing pages can be personalized with a purpose. Your landing page experience can be improved with a few audience-based content changes.

You can do so by changing the hero picture depending on the user’s location. Depending on the entrance channel, experiment with value propositions or even headlines and taglines.

For example, if your landing page is regarding fashion, you will definitely get better results by showing different fashions to different genders.

Localization is another potent tool for personalizing landing pages.

6. Maintain a clear and consistent message across your landing page and advertisement

You’d be amazed at how many ads don’t advertise the same thing as their landing page, despite the fact that this sounds like a no-brainer suggestion. Make sure your promotion stays the same throughout your entire advertising process when you run a Google Ads (AdWords) campaign. This is called message matching.

Your landing page should provide a free trial if your PPC ad is advertising one. The landing page should highlight the fresh white paper that is the subject of your PPC ad. The ad’s language should also be consistent.

Consistency in messaging like this supports a great landing page experience, which is a factor Google considers when calculating your Quality Score.

7. An easy to spot CTA button

Your targeted audience will thank you when you give them an easy to spot CTA button. Therefore, it’s crucial that you invest a lot of time and energy into making sure that your landing page’s CTA is obvious at a glance and converts visitors.

Sunnyday Consulting Pro Tips

  • Put your CTA in a place where customers will see it (e.g., above the fold)
  • Use a contrasting colour when creating your CTA button
  • Utilize commanding and alluring language, such as “Download My Free Guide Now!”

8. Use unique and interesting content

Your originality matters

People don’t want to visit your several landing pages and see the same material. Consequently, instead of just copying and pasting your material from one landing page to the next, produce fresh content for each of your different landing pages, keeping in mind to tailor it to the associated ad. On each page, include unique, helpful content that both Google and your visitors will value. Your adverts will become more valuable and well-known as a result of this.

Sunnyday Consulting Pro Tips

  • Use a friendly tone – Both your PPC advertising and the material on your landing page must be written in a friendly manner. Remember that you want them to be relevant to one another, so be cordial with both of them. Consider writing the material for both as if you were speaking to a member of your target market face-to-face rather than online. By doing this, you may make your text sound more natural and encourage prospects to interact with you.
  • Use snackable content – Not the edible snacks! But bullet points, numbered lists are more easily perceived than longform content on landing pages.

9. USP first, everything else later

Hubris may be a cardinal sin but in marketing it ain’t so bad.

Explain to potential customers what makes you special and why they should choose you over rivals. To optimize your whole PPC campaign and increase your ad ROI, use clear and persuasive selling points on both your landing page and your ad.

For example, are you offering a trial period for your product which does not require any form of financial registration? Promote this aspect. Or is your service currently ranked no.1 on popular rating apps? Highlight it both in your advertisement and landing page.

10. Do not forget to incorporate valued trust indicators

To successfully convert your target audience into a lead or a sale, you must first establish an emotional connection with them. Add trust signals to your PPC advertisements and landing page to achieve this.

Sunnyday Consulting Pro Tips

  • Do not hide your contact information from customers as it comes across as untrustworthy.
  • Provide reviews, ratings and/or testimonials from existing customers.

The + 1 in the title

Often in pursuit of the bigger picture we forget the smaller details. But fear not as Sunnyday has your back!

  • Utilize metadata and title tags.
  • Test the form’s fields, flow, and, yes, even the button’s colour. Minor adjustments to consumer flow can boost the effectiveness of landing pages.
  • Play with the length and style of your material.
  • Investigate various taglines and techniques of presenting traits and advantages.
  • Make sure to include an escape route on landing pages.

How can Sunnyday help you?

In case you already have one but are looking into ways to improve your landing page do follow these tips.

At Sunnyday Consulting, we will help you build landing pages that are based on the core elements but are unique from viewer perspective. We can also enhance your landing page experience which in turn can increase your conversion rates.

So, feel free to contact us at support@sunnydayconsulting.com or call us at (+91) 79777 31552.

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